APP Protect Self-adhesive protective film
APP Protect Self-adhesive protective film
APP Protect Self-adhesive protective film
APP Protect Self-adhesive protective film
APP Protect Self-adhesive protective film
APP Protect Self-adhesive protective film
APP Protect Self-adhesive protective film

APP Protect

Self-adhesive protective film


APP Protect self-adhesive protective film is designed to wrap wrecked vehicles to protect them from the loss of loose parts including broken glass and to protect their interiors from rain or snow. It provides excellent adhesion to the protected surface, simple and clean removal, and weather and UV resistance for up to 180 days.


  • It has excellent adhesion properties and holding strength in the case of loose parts of a wrecked vehicle.
  • The film does not detach from the wrapped vehicle during towing.
  • Holes sealed with the APP Protect film are protected against rain, snow, dust and wind.
  • It has high mechanical strength against tearing and puncturing.
  • It is weatherproof.
  • UV-resistant for up to 180 days.
  • Ensures easy and clean removal.
  • Protects against paint, mortar, dirt and dust.

Film thickness - 70 µm
Film width - 0.6 m or 1.15 m
Length of film on a roll - 50 m