APP F Mask Paint masking film
APP F Mask Paint masking film
APP F Mask Paint masking film

APP F Mask

Paint masking film

The foil is used to mask the undamaged parts of the body of the vehicle and windows while spraying primers and surface lacquers. It protects these elements against fouling and impurities. The 4-metre wide foil allows one person to cover the whole vehicle very quickly and thoroughly. The foil adjusts very well to the body of the vehicle.. It is resistant to moisture and high temperature. The masking foil surface is resistant to the peeling of the sprayed primer, base lacquer and surface lacquer. The correct laying of the foil is guaranteed by a legible text. Advantages of foil use: foil facilitates car masking before painting; shortens time needed for car body protection; reduces costs; lessens number of painting belts used while painting; precisely adheres car body shape; does not cause tearing off of metallic base; easy to remove from car after finishing painting work; reduces up to 80% of waste size.