NTools PDR Check Panel PDR Check Panel - Reflective board
NTools PDR Check Panel PDR Check Panel - Reflective board
NTools PDR Check Panel PDR Check Panel - Reflective board

NTools PDR Check Panel

PDR Check Panel - Reflective board

Weight / Sized800
Sale unitpcs
NTools PDR Check Panel is a practical, light weight, foldable check panel purposed for identification of car body defects and damages. Thanks to light weight, practical circular design of 800mm dia., comfortable handle, foldable construction you can quickly and smoothly perform car body inspection regarding any deformation. With black, parallel stripes symmetrically printed on white canvas you can quickly identify any defect of care body damage. NTools PDR Check Panel is a perfect tool for professionals and experts performing inspections, estimates and delivering repairs of car body damages with PDR system. With this tool you can quickly perform inspection and estimate the repairs with PDR system. Check panel is delivered with a case that allows to store the folded tool of 300mm dia. and protects against contamination.

Basic product attributes

Weight / Sized800
Sale unitpcs